For about a year, my son, Dominic, had been rambling on and on about a leopard gecko. His fascination was insatiable. In attempts to pacify him, we negotiated with his science teacher to let him take the class’ pet gecko, home to care for her during winter break. In the words of Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman… Big mistake. Huge.

It turned his interest into a full-blown obsession. Now, he was constantly asking to have one of his own. Permanently.

And then he found out the Reptile Super Show was coming to our area.

He begged and pleaded to go. Finally, after much of hesitation, we caved, and bought tickets to take him to the convention on the sole condition that we were going STRICTLY to look- my husband and I were adamant about not wanting anymore pets in the house. He agreed.

My son was patient, but in his patience, did all he could to love something that wasn’t even his … yet. He would ask over and over, and I would keep telling him with unflinching certainty that it was a hard “no.” But in his mind, he heard, “Not yet. It’s not time for a gecko yet.”

When the day finally came for the convention, guess who came home with a tank, a box of 500 meal worms, a heating mat, and what else but a juvenile mack snow leopard gecko? Yup. These suckers.

Introducing Frost, the Mack Snow Leopard Gecko

Introducing Frost, the Mack Snow Leopard Gecko

How did that happen, you ask? Dominic willed it to happen. His conviction that he would be the proud owner of a leopard gecko was so strong, it created his miracle.

And this sort of thing happens all the time, and all around us. While we may not notice, miracles can – and do – happen. We may even take them for granted to or write them off as something else, or disregard them as common. Keeping this in mind- let’s explore a few ways to use our conviction to create miracles in our lives.

Start With Being Grateful

A miracle must be loved into existence. And for that to happen, we must love and have a heart of gratitude for all that surrounds us. Maybe we look for a change in situation, a better financial position, for the cute guy in our spinning class to ask you out… whatever it is, we must first begin with being grateful for where we stand RIGHT NOW. Why? Because it creates the right positive energy, and attracts even more to you.

Dominic didn’t have a gecko of his own, but he was incredibly grateful to have babysat one for a week, for the knowledge he acquired, and the information available to him. He was grateful for sending him to a convention, even when we told him it was only to look around. He still operated with a grateful and open heart.

In The Right Direction

No matter the size, a step “toward” still moves us forward. Sitting around having a pity party because you haven’t received your miracle yet, doesn’t serve anyone- especially yourself.

You can start with your words. Speak it into existence. My son changed his iPad password to “leopard gecko.” He drew pictures and posted them on his walls. He would tell us stories that started with, “When I am older and have a leopard gecko, I’ll….”  And so on and so forth.

Forward progress also involves with getting uncomfortable – be ok with that. What you’ve been doing so far in life has brought to where you are today, so if you want something different, you must do something different.

Facilitate In Creating Miracles For Others

In this case, the statement of “what goes around comes around” is actually desirable. Do good, and good will come back to you. Dominic picked up extra chores. Prayed extra hard. Spoke even sweeter. And brown- nosed even more. All of which were miracles for my benefit.

Become a catalyst for someone else’s miracle. Donate clothing you no longer use, give someone a warm meal, take a friend to the airport, or visit someone lonely. Send positivity out with pure intentions of giving without expecting something from them in return. And when you least expect it, a miracle can happen to you.

Miracles arise from conviction. Be convicted about these things: Miracles can happen. Miracles do happen. Love makes them happen.
— Marianne Williamson