In Japan, “karoshi” is actually a term for a person who was worked to death, and in South Korea it is “gwarosa.” The fact that there are terms that exist specifically for this condition is shocking, and definitely a matter that should be addressed. In our current “Go! Go! Go!” society, we often times feel that taking a moment for ourselves is selfish- and worse yet, a complete waste of time. Our culture has come to rewarding “No sick days used,” praising the people who are “first into the office, last to leave.” This practice is not only detrimental to the individual, but with enough people suffering this state of affairs, will definitely impact our society as a whole.

While dedication to something is fantastic- we must keep in mind, that whether it be a job, the kids, volunteering, or anything else that demands our time, focus, and energy, it is important that we still hold our own mental and physical health as a priority.

Here are 5 reasons why taking time for yourself is so incredibly important:

# 1
You can’t give what you don’t have. 

Life demands a lot from you: your job, your spouse, your kids, your home, your aging parents. Taking care of others and providing for others’ needs often times takes priority. However, if you’ve ever traveled on a plane before, the safety instructions always say to put your oxygen mask on first, before helping those in need of assistance. The reason for this is simple- in order to help or look after someone else, you have to BE ABLE to do so. If you are incapacitated, there isn’t much good you can do for someone else.

# 2
If you don’t respect yourself, who else will? 

Always accepting the task of staying late? Working on the weekends? Giving up your personal time to attend to something else? Setting boundaries is huge, and it saves you from being a doormat. It sends the message that you value your time, and have other priorities to tend to. If one constantly gives their time away (which, by the way, is NOT an infinite resource) then it won’t be treated with value. You’ll see that if you value your time (and however you choose to spend it) then others will, too.

# 3
Living on low-batteries is not fully living.

Imagine your phone was at 3% battery life. If you were like most people, you’d be desperately looking for the nearest outlet to charge it because otherwise, if your phone dies, how can people reach you? How will you check your Facebook? How will you finish streaming the latest episode of your favorite show? Being on low battery, you can’t fully enjoy something, because there is a nagging feeling that you’re not 100% engaged. The same can be said about life. Taking some “me time” and keeping your batteries charged is one step closer to living stress free.

# 4
They’re watching.

Practice what you preach. Parents make their kids take naps, and the younger grades of school usually have quiet time or rest breaks after recesses. How many of us know sugary-sweet kids who if they don’t have a nap, turn into a savage, raging, destructive, screaming monsters? If you’re not taking time to decompress, the over-stimulation that can occur in life can have you feeling like a raging monster, too!

# 5
Screw feeling guilty for doing it - It just feels good.

Getting a massage feels amazing. A walk along the beach, listening to the ocean is inspiring. Enjoying a hot cup of coffee (that hasn’t been reheated 3 times) in silence (with no screaming, shouting, or nagging around you) is fantastic.  Don’t feel bad for it; enjoy it! Savor this time that you have to unwind and relax. Breathe deeply, calmly and refuel your energy.  Taking time for yourself makes it possible to give your best self to those you care about!

As good as it feels to be productive and accomplished, remember that it is also equally important to reward yourself with a little recharge.  A candle burning at both ends will burn out much faster than it should, and this world needs your phenomenal light. So stick around, take care of yourself, and shine bright!


